7 Value Propositions of Enterprise Social Networks

By now most companies are aware of the value of social media marketing. Many companies have set up their presence on the public social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube…

Some are even taking advantage of the newer social networks such as Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr. Marketers are busy monitoring their brands and writing remarkable content in the hopes of engaging with their customers and prospects.

  1. Improving Collaboration and Breaking Down Silostouching screen on tablet-pc
  2. Improving Organizational Speed and Agility
  3. Enabling Innovation
  4. Locating “In –House” Experts
  5. Flattening the Organization and Improving Transparency
  6. Promoting “Bottom-up” Communication
  7. Raising Engagement


ebayink / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

See on good2bsocial.com – April 8, 2013 by

See on Scoop.itNouveaux paradigmes

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