Les 7 principes d’une monnaie malveillante et d’une monnaie bienveillante

The Principles of money

 It seems that money as always been in the hand of those who detained power. Some case it can be delegated, but when the bankers seize too much power, as Templars did, the Power in place make them disappear. Apparently cunny bankers manage little by little to delude governments toward letting them do this ‘bad job’.

The sin to ask interest has been eradicated quite easily, precious ‘time of God’ became early a way to win upon those who want to create stuff before having the necessary resources. Both parts are showing their greedy parts.

Links between money and war are tight. Emperors issue coins to enforce victims to accept giving for free their resources to soldiers, and to insure a vampire force to suck all their assets. Money is the sinews of war in in the real sense of the term. From Rome to Colonization, and even today by The Imperial Dollars, all real wealth is aspirated to the one who create money. War has also become a great ‘business opportunity’, and step was easy from helping a conqueror to succeed to motivate governements to go on war.

Another key point is to facilitate money transportation through long distance. Bankers’ intelligence was well used to invent always more ways to reduce risks and maximise profits. This drive to make things safe has lead to take away intrinsic value to the money in circulation, thus allowing new era of malefactors being more and more creative to rip off stupid crowd.


So I see some principles about money as a slavery tool:

  1. having an autocratic and military power;
  2. mandating payments with this money;
  3. using valueless trumpery to save and suck real wealth while make it easy to circulate;
  4. making money creation complicated andopaque;
  5. making scary and shameful “inflation” and “debts”;
  6. leaning on greedy aspects of humans;
  7. rub away spiritual Laws.


Seeing this point, it gives me a good compass to evaluate alternative propositions emerging nowadays. As our paradigm shift invites us to upside down all architectures, behaviours and beliefs, as said in all wisdom teachings, let’s imagine a money design based on:

  1. having an democratic power where each citizen has a sovereignty on money creation;
  2. letting people pay whith a diversity of money, and finance projects according to their scale of value;
  3. using acknowledgment currency to reward real work, and give outcomes to commons;
  4. educate and give transparency on money creation;
  5. allowing “inflation” based on real wealth growth and “debts” to be part of the human breath as “gifts” are;
  6. leaning on humanistic aspects of humans;
  7. rehabilitate understanding of spiritual Laws.


Today I know only 2 monetary mechanisms that served these principles:

  • Mutual credit with collective power and positive/negative limits decided collectively by its users;
  • Relative universal dividend, based on Theory of Relativity, where money is issued regularly from number of users and monetary mass in circulation; and distributed equally to all its users (see Stephane Laborde’s work https://www.dropbox.com/s/m6uasmvljl4donh/TRM%20v2%20-%20appendix%202%20ENG.pdf?dl=0 and http://www.creationmonetaire.info/).



Sybille Saint Girons, Paris, 23/02/2015



From MOOC Money & Society, Assignment week 2, Feb. 2015

  • Can you detect any recurring themes in monetary history?
  • Develop your own theory on the main factor influencing monetary history, and turn this into a “law” enabling you to make predictions relevant to our current situation.
  • Provide examples from monetary history, using examples from this lesson, other sources if required, and Glyn Davies book: https://archive.org/details/HistoryOfMoney
  • When you have formulated your law, and justified it from examples, write it up in no more than 500 words and post it in the forum, then comment on and vote up and down the laws of the other students.


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